Awake Festival

Photo: Bethlendi Tamas

Awake is a festival that has set out from the beginning to bring art in the middle of nature in as many forms as possible, bringing together in the first edition not only musicians from different corners of the world, but also actors, plastic artists and architects, creative people, all in a relaxed atmosphere seasoned with parties full of energy at the evening watch. The set-up of the festival was a very special one, the Teleki domain being furnished with furniture and decorative elements specially made for AWAKE, starting from the artistic concept of the festival, but also with large installations, some of them being created even in within the camp of ARTDOOR. The next editions kept the same idea of artistic communion and came back every time with a more spectacular set-up, a richer program and diverse activities to give the audience an even more intense AWAKE experience.
At the first edition held between 1-3 September 2017, over 20,000 visitors aged between 16-40 years participated.

Photo: Bereczky Sandor

The reviews of the festival in the print media - national and international, in the TV news and on the social networks were superlative, positioning AWAKE as the first festival-boutique of music and arts of Romania and one of the most important festival-type events in the country.
During the first edition of the festival, with the support of the Mures County Council, ARTDOOR was organized, the first international competition for contemporary outdoor art in Romania, to which 10 large art objects were exhibited, which were assembled and installed during the creative camp with the same name. The work "Give more Sky to the Flags" by the well-known Romanian sculptor Mircea Cantor was exhibited for the first time in Romania within AWAKE, continuing his exhibition route in the medieval fortress of Tirgu Mures.

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Emagic Live

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